The ICT program consists of 3 stages:-
• Getting connected
• Digital garage
• Media Lab

Getting connected: allows us to connect our students to the ICT world by taking them through basic computer and graphic design. This level focuses on equipping our students with hands on IT and business skills that enable them to start their own business and project ideas. Students work on a project where they explore the market, evaluate what happens around them and respond to it with an innovative concept. Their project consists of a market research, brainstorm sessions, the development of ideas, creating a presentation, integrating feedback and making a design.
Digital garage: introduces students to the online design world. We equip them with web design, blogging and development skills as well as project management skills.. Students at this level tackle three projects, one personal project that deals with building a fully functional responsive website based on a theme of their choice, one group project based on selected themes in which they deliver a fully branded entity and the third project, a blog that helps them build up on their writing and storytelling skills. This better equips our students for the market by integrating solution innovation.
Media Lab: is our senior class. Here our students are better prepped for the market through exposure to real life client work, job preparedness forums and training. As senior students, they get to choose between different specializations such as UI/UX Design, graphic design, web development and mobile app design. The students at this final level take on three projects before graduation. The first project is to identify what area of specialization is best suited for them and their career goals, the second project entails creating a portfolio which helps them to increase their employability prospects and the third project, the internship/client project. This part of the project requires implementation through applying the skills acquired in the job market as interns. The students deliver real time client projects that they have built over the course of three months.